Thursday, May 22, 2008

my partner

Hello everyone .... I want to tell you all about my partner . Her name is Nur Haffizah bt Zahri Jarir. She's fromIpoh , Perak. Now she's studing in faculty econimics. She's 20 years old and for me she's a nice girls also have good looking. Now she live in a teracce house with her friends . Nur Haffizah have 1 brother dan 2 sisters. she's farther name is Zahri Jarir bin Ibrahim dan her mothers name is Jamaliah bt Daud. Her father was pass away and her mother is housewife. I look Nur haffizah is very quite and shy girls .In a free time , she's like reading novel and surf internet. After she's finishing her study, she want to continue her study for master.I hope Nur Haffizah will be a successful in her study and have a good job after her finish her study in UKM.
That all about my partner .Thank you...
(edawati bt arudin A115428)

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