Saturday, May 17, 2008

Revise for exam

To revise for an important exam, first I will make a study plan. Study plan is very important for revise to ensure our revise is succeed. Start with the study plan I will look a syllabus. This is because to know what the topic will enter in the exam.After that, I will find a quiet place to revise. The place I will chose is library or room. This is because the place is very quiet to concentrate the study. Actually I cannot study at the noisy place, if I sleepy current study I will listen the music. After find the quiet place, I will start for study. After study, to ensure I understand what I read, I will make notes. Notes is important to making our revise easy. After one hour I study, I must take a break about ten minute. This is important to relax my brain. When my study finish, I will remember the main point. After every thing is settle I already to exam.

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